Klook is Asia's leading platform for travelers to explore and book a curated selection of activities at exclusive deals, targeting at both the English and Chinese-speaking independent travelers. From a discounted Universal Studios ticket to shipwreck diving in Bali, travelers can easily find inspirations and plan their itinerary. We also pioneer activities booking in the mobile space in enabling instant confirmation and same-day booking, all with exclusive deals up to 50% savings.
Not to run at 100% capacity as when growth really catch up - it'll be hard to keep up. Always prepare to have some extra capacity in the team to cope with the situation
To build a global brand name in the travel space, especially coming out of Hong Kong - being Asia's World City. Along the way we hope to support responsible tourism as we truly believes tourism can prosper less developed communities
Making sure value proposition is strong as only then would any branding / marketing efforts pay off. We do build on partnerships whereby we could bring in strategic value -e.g. complementing Asia Miles redemption program
The sense of belonging.
It's a race against time, but make sure that fundamentals are strongly built otherwise it'll be easy to fall apart.
Hong Kong may not seem to be the most active in the start-up space, but may be because of this, people in the circle are even more willing to help each other out
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