Style by Asia is a Pan-Asian web community based in Hong Kong, gathering individual blogges who all are connected to the "style space" in one way or another; be it fashion, design (interior and industrial), architecture, photography, graphic design and all kinds of art - basically anything visual which serves as an inspiration to people! We also wish to share more informational content, such as articles and interviews with people and businesses in said areas, to educate and inform our readers. Through our broad network of talented bloggers and contributors, we keep an ear close to the ground and stay up to date with the diverse creative scene in Asia. We have had a rapid expansion and we now have bloggers contributing from Malaysia, Philippines, Bali, Shanghai, Seoul, Taiwan, Dubai, Saigon, Sydney and Brisbane - adding new bloggers as we find good ones who have a different angle and can help to increase the diversity of content on the site.
Style by Asia has one simple mission: to serve as a one-stop shop for inspiration, insights and trends to people in Asia, as well as a "window to Asia" for those abroad.
To really grasp the diverse and vibrant creative scenes we work with individual bloggers who contribute to feed inspiration into the community. All our contributors are blogging with their own distinct voice, portray their own style and of course, they are all completely responsible for their own content. What we do is simply to curate content from really talented people and bring it to our readers, and all in one place and all in English. From all over the Asia Pacific region.