Q hub is the first one-stop value-creating platform in e commerce and distribution that allows smaller, premium positioned consumer brands to take their businesses to the international market in a timely and cost effective manner.
Our product portfolio has a clear value proposition for the end consumer and brands that care about environment and sustainability.
Qhub focuses on partnering with a small select group of premium brands accelerating rapid growth through international distribution.
Q hub has an established client base of well-known international brands. It primarily assists established European manufacturers with product export, finding distributors, e-commerce, marketing services and logistics in the fast growing Asia region.
The focus is on B2C distribution through local E-Commerce platforms and B2B distributor finding with a long-term, commission based business model.
Markets and territories:
Asia & the Middle East, specifically Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai and Abu Dhabi and in Airlines and Airports (Travel retail).
• luxury & premium consumer goods
• health products & dry food
• beauty & care, cosmetics
• accessories
• IoT consumer products