We believe that peopleneedpeople, that sometimes people just need to be around and available to provide support, and get paid for this. Our mission is to make services as easy to find online than products, just 2 clicks away .
We believe that peopleneedpeople, that sometimes people just need to be around and available to provide support, and get paid for this. Our mission is to make services as easy to find online than products, just 2 clicks away .
Nowsnapp helps people connect to people in real time . We disrupt traditional classifieds model by offering a geo-located and immediate response to people asking for instant services . They will simply place a banknote on the HK map, say what they need, when, where and how much they are prepared to pay for that . People around ( individuals or professionals ) will be immediately notified and can grab the banknote - whils they are free to negotiate the price !
We allow them to find all types of services in a single app, designed with a gaming-like interface .