We believe in designing technology that enables companies, businesses, and ideas to be truly global.
We believe in designing technology that enables companies, businesses, and ideas to be truly global.
Our mission is to bridge the digital divide between China and the Western internet and give businesses the tools to more fearlessly embrace a global web.
+ ultrasite.com - a global website builder that helps businesses build faster, multilingual, globally high-performance websites.
+ chinafy.com - a virtually one-touch solution, and the first of its kind, to automate China compatibility for almost any website allowing Western companies to better access China.
Our company has been featured on Techcrunch, CNBC as well as Business Insider, highlighting Notey as one of the “15 Fastest Growing Startups in the World”.
AngelList: https://angel.co/notey-1
Cruchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/notey
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamnotey (edited)