The first prototype, JobTech PMET has been designed to help retrenched PMETs (professionals, managers, executives and technicians) in Singapore search and prepare for new job opportunities. The platform offers insights into industry trends and skill-set requirements, and suggests SkillsFuture courses to help bridge skills gaps. The JobTech PMET platform has several thousand users in Singapore, and is estimated to reach more than 10% of the retrenched PMET population in Singapore.
JobTech also provides labour market intelligence through real-time analysis of thousands of job advertisements posted every day by employers. It contains valuable insights into the industry, employers and requirements of the job which include skills, academic qualifications and years of experience.
Future plans include driving deeper insights into hiring practices, and expanding the application of AI technology to improve human resource and country level labour productivity. TalenTech, enterprise application of JobTech has also been developed to automate the resume screening process by using the engine to read and contextualise resumes and matching them to the job requirements.