The world of work is changing rapidly.
Gone are the days of clocking in 9-to-5, uniformed rows of cubicles, and 30-hour classroom trainings. Old ways of work no longer fit the modern workforce.
But how do we keep employees trained, engaged, and motivated for growth in this new era of work?
This is why we built Atiom -- an idea that sprung in the middle of a classroom training session.
Atiom is a mobile workplace solution that empowers people to learn and grow every day. We started in 2017 as a flashcard training app - but we've grown a lot since then. From bite-sized, gamified training, real-time communication to everyday employee engagement, we're committed to bridging gaps in today's newly distributed workspace. Currently, Atiom’s services are used in 23 regions around the globe and available in 10 languages.
Our team is from all over the world and we work with companies throughout the Asia Pacific, as far-reaching as Kazakhstan and Dubai. In 2021, Atiom was shortlisted as a finalist in HR Vendor of the Year Awards Singapore.