— 從學習到享受之間的微妙過程,讓庸碌的生活帶來一點一滴的優悠。
相信很多人都認為品茶是中年人或是老人閒情逸至,消遣時間活動之一。可是茶藝其實是一門藝術。品茗之人從中各有體會和得着,甚至得以洗滌心靈,滿載藝術的享受。由茶葉、泡茶、品茗的過程中,如一趟新的旅程,承載着歷史與人文風貌。今次與新式茶店《 yú teahouse 瑜茶舍 瑜茶舍》合辦的茶藝課程,茶藝師會帶領各位品茗和分辨六大茶類:綠茶,黃茶,白茶,青茶,紅茶,黑茶;學習基本沖泡方法,茶道禮儀,讓茶走進生活;此課程以廣東話為主,適合初學者以及品茶愛好者參加。
"Cha", as known as traditional Chinese tea, is a synoymn of coffee to Westerners. The emergence of tea culture brings the spirit and wisdom of human beings to a higher ambit. Nowadays, beside of its medical purposes, people begin to enjoy and appreciate more of its manifestation and social value. Come on this unique Chinese tea tasting journey to discover the exquisite tastes and diversity of fine Chinese tea! This workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.
| 有關瑜茶舍 About yú teahouse |
The Chinese tea ceremony has been practiced and refined for thousands of years, beneath its few simples steps lies the true spirit of the ritual which has cultivated the essence of our ancient philosophies. A good cup of tea brings harmony to the mind and connects one closer to nature. We strive to become the ambassador for the Chinese tea culture, thriving to share this enlightening experience with more people.
| 活動流程 Workshop Rundown |
- 學習品飲禮儀 Learn tea drinking etiquette;
- 如何正確地品茶 How to taste tea properly and develop your palate;
- 茶與五感關係與體驗 The five senses in tea drinking;
- 講解中國茶的文化與健康之道 Presentation about the tea culture & health benefits;
- 品嚐8款茶類 Tasting of the 8 different teas;
- 示範與練習茶道 Demonstration of the tea ceremony;
- 體驗正確茗杯用法 Hands on experience in using the Chinese Teaware “Gaiwan”
- 問與答環節 Q&A session;
- 課後禮品贈送 Tea gift to takeaway.
| 日期時間 Date & Time |
日期: 2019年4月28日 (星期日)
時間: 下午3時至5時
Date: April 28th, 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm - 5pm
| 地點 Venue |
活動將會於 Kafnu 場內進行,位於嘉里酒店2樓。最近的地鐵站為黃埔站C2出口,或乘搭北角至紅磡的渡海小輪亦只需7分鐘。http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
The event will be inside Kafnu. Kafnu is located on the 2nd floor inside Kerry Hotel. The closest MTR is Whampoa MTR exit C2. You can also conveniently access the venue from Hong Kong Island via the North Point <--> Hung Hom Ferry which takes only 7 minutes. Schedule here: http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
2/F, Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom
| 費用 Class Fee |
Non-member: HKD380
Kafnu & yu teahouse member: HKD304
Max pax : 30