香港政府將於2019年4月1日推出「自願性醫保」計劃。以「可以扣稅」及 「保到一百歲」等等來吸引市民參加。
* 參加者可以獲得「逸康醫療中心」提供的全身標準體檢計劃9折優惠讚助。
The Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS), implemented by the Hong Kong Government, seeks to enhance the protection offered to individuals under hospital insurance. By regulating VHIS products, the Government will be offering the public a new choice of insurance product with comprehensive coverage and participation is voluntary. Taught by our member Lawrence, an experienced Certified Financial Planner, this seminar will guide you through the informative details of this scheme, advises and other question you may likely encounter. This seminar is conducted in Cantonese.
Sign Up Now: http://bit.ly/kafnu-healthseminar
| Speakers |
► Lawrence Lau 劉照輝
- 認可財務策劃師 Certified Financial Planner CFP
- 國際理財規劃師 International Financial Planner IFPC
► Simon Lo 盧達強
- 認可財務策劃師 Certified Financial Planner CFP
- 國際理財規劃師 International Financial Planner IFPC
| 日期及時間 Date & Time |
日期: 2019年4月6日 (星期六)
時間: 下午3時至4時30分
| 地點 Venue |
活動將會於 Kafnu 場內進行,位於嘉里酒店2樓。最近的地鐵站為黃埔站C2出口,或乘搭北角至紅磡的渡海小輪亦只需7分鐘。http://bit.ly/kafnu-ferryschedule
| 費用 Ticket Fee |
Member & Non-Member: Free
Max pax : 30