About this Event
IDCC 正式開工啦!IDCC是一個香港人共同擁有的公民數據分享平台。在這裡,我們串連社群、倡議社會創新、讓更多資源進入社群、留在社群。我們相信,資源共享來自公民意識; 我們倡議,從下至上的社區發展和共融。我們相信,每一個人分享的數據都是有價值的,值得被分享、更值得被保護。IDCC也藉此機會,由衷感謝社創基金(SIE Fund)、數碼港培育計畫、及各方夥伴的長期支持!
8月27日晚上,歡迎來食開工大吉飯 IDCC和Dream Impact 的Facebook Page直播!
Join us to celebrate the launch of Impact Data Consortium (IDCC) of Hong Kong!
We’re proud to announce that Impact Data Consortium Chain (IDCC) is officially launched as a socially-conscious and civic-minded community that brings together people and resources with data, takes action to solve Hong Kong’s most pressing community issues, and advocates for a new paradigm of bottom-up solutions for community development and social inclusion. IDCC is made possible by the SIE Fund and Cyberport Incubation Programme.
Please join us for the housewarming dinner (virtual)!
We will not only introduce our vision and mission in community impact data empowering Hong Kong, but also invite the founder of Shanzhai City Dr. Tat Lam and founder of ixo foundation Dr. Shaun Conway to discuss how new generation technologies support trustmaking in the social sector during the pandemic. We will talk about our first initiative Impact Capacity Building (ICB) programme that places people at the center of civic software design, and be greeted by the most incredible team of consortium participants and partners. Last but not least, we will share about the potential integration of IDCC with City-Wide Time Bank, inviting Dr. Willie Lai, Chairman of Inheritance Foundation and Mr. Albert Lui, Founder of Tai Po Community Mottled Spinefoot, to share about their hands-on experiences in community development.
Live Broadcast on IDCC Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/idcchk/
Dream Impact Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dreamimpacthk/