Calling out to students innovating for social good globally, “Techstyle for Social Good 2021” is now open for applications! “Fireside Chat” is going to give you more insights, tips and tricks regarding the competition. If you are interested in the competition, this “Fireside Chat” is for you!
Date: 29th June, 2021 (Tuesday)
Time: 09:30 – 10:30 BST | 16:30 – 17:30 HKT
Format: Virtual
The Fireside Chat will kick off with an overall keynote about the competition, followed by 3 different panels:
[1] General trends & chit-chat:
- Current trends of apparel & textiles industry
- Current trends of agrifood technology
- How social impact and business goals can be tied together
[2] About residency & support:
- Introduction of the support you’d get from The Mills Fabrica
- How The Mills Fabrica can connect you with industry experts, key players and judges
- The way to transform your ideas and dream into businesses and reality
- Sharing from our former resident, Jen Keane, on her experience rising from zero to hero
[3] Competition tips & tricks:
- Sharing of practical tips and tricks to stand out, from idea generation to pitching skills
- The Mills Fabrica’s insider sharing on what judges are looking for in your ideas and projects
Dee Zheng (Principal, Bits x Bites)
Jen Keane (Founder, Modern Synthesis)
Angus Tsang (Research, The Mills Fabrica)
Moderator: Maggie Luk (Incubation, The Mills Fabrica)
「Techstyle for Social Good 2021」國際網上比賽旨在號召透過創新想法改變社會的學生,而現正已經開始接受報名!Fireside Chat會讓大家對這個比賽有更詳細的瞭解,更會介紹一些參賽要訣。如果您對這個比賽有興趣,Fireside Chat絕對可以解答您的疑問!
日期: 2021年6月29號(星期二)
時間: 下午4時30分 至 下午5時30分(香港時間)
早上9時30分 至 早上10時30分(英國時間)
形式: 網上活動
Fireside Chat開始會為大家講述比賽詳情,緊接其後的是三場小組研討會討論以下主題:
[1] 淺談行業趨勢:
- 介紹服裝紡織業的發展和趨勢
- 介紹農業及食品科技的發展和趨勢
- 如何對改善社會又符合企業發展及盈利
[2] 關於駐場計劃及支援:
- 介紹將會向勝出者所提供的支援
- 南豐作坊如何聯繫參賽者到行業專才、評判,甚至是在行內有舉足輕重地位的行家
- 將您的想法和夢想帶到現實和商業世界
- 南豐作坊前駐場會員Jen Keane會和大家分享過往的比賽經歷
[3] 參賽訣竅:
- 分享實用的竅門,由理念構思到各種預備提案技巧,協助參賽者突圍而出
- 南豐作坊的成員會分享評判的著眼點及評分準則
Dee Zheng(食芯資本投資總監)
Jen Keane(Modern Synthesis創辦人)