Tim Castell once said, “Innovation is not just about having an idea, it’s about executing on it to create value.” The three keywords are thought, execution and value creation. Today, we live in a rapidly changing world. Technology and globalization continue to evolve, lessening the gap between customers and companies as customer preferences become more sophisticated and competition among companies increased. In order for companies to gain a competitive advantage in the market, they need to think outside the box and constantly innovate to adapt to changing consumer trends.
Taking place on November 11-12, TechCrunch Shenzhen 2019’s Startup Alley will bring together more than 250 startups specializing in smart hardware, 5G applications, healthcare, incubators, enterprise services, internet+, and intellectual property, from regions as diverse as mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Israel. Winning startups from the Nanshan “Entrepreneurship Star” Competition sponsored by the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government will also participate in Startup Alley.
Learn more at: https://technode.com/2019/11/05/what-to-expect-at-techcrunch-shenzhen-2019/
-------- Chinese introduction below ---------
近年来,中国经历了显著的经济增长和技术发展,截止到今年 3 月份 CB Insights 记录了全球 326 家独角兽,总价值为 10,520 亿美元,总共筹集了近 2,570 亿美元。这些独角兽中有 172 个来自美国,而中国则以 91 个独角兽数量紧随其后,该榜单中前三名估值最高的独角兽分别来自中国的字节跳动和滴滴出行。中国已经成功的从工厂加工为基础的经济转型为技术创新的领导者,并在风险投资和融资领域赢得了领导地位,现已成为 3500 多家公司在内的全球第二大风投市场。
在即将到来的 TechCrunch 国际创新峰会 2019 深圳站, 你将看到来自启明创投、创世伙伴资本、愉悦资本、华创资本、GGV 纪源资本等中国顶尖投资机构的负责人,与我们一起共同探讨国内外最新投融资形势,共同发现下一个独角兽企业!