As a client, we also know that is hard to know where the high-bar of this technology is. From holograms, VR/AR/AI and smart tables, what’s new? what’s cool? To help TBA has decided to create a platform to keep our clients up to speed on the rapidly changing world of tech. We are launching a quarterly evening event to show you some of our favorite partners showcasing leading-edge tech with a nice glass of wine in your hand. We call it PipeLab.
Please join us at our P3 Space in Wanchai, say hello, meet some of our great companies showcasing their latest technologies. PipeLab is the first of what will be a regular quarterly series of events, but trust us: you'll want to be there from the start!
What to expect?
An interesting evening where companies such as Arth Media and Shadow Factory will showcase their latest technologies.
Why should you go?
Discover a new platform where you can keep up with the latest trends in tech.
Companies showcasing on June 20:
Arth Media, Artro Digital Group, Mirum, Shadow Factory and SSWIFT
Venue Sponsor: P3 Space