LegalRegTechHack - Smart Legal Contract Challenge hosted by LITE Lab@HKU
LITE Lab@HKU is organising a LegalRegTechHack - Smart Legal Contract Challenge on March 30 at iDendron, and most welcome all learners and legal hackers to participate!
Smart legal contracts can improve upon existing contracting practices by incorporating external data sources (oracles) to provide real-time status about the performance of obligations and automating various legal, business, and operational practices.
Some interesting applications being actively explored include supply chain, intellectual property management, employment, professional services (including service levels), media/entertainment, fundraising, dispute resolution and real estate - imagine a world where micropayments are prevalent !
Learn about and hack smart legal contracts using open source Open Law and Accord Project/ ContractPen, and then create innovative solutions for private sector and public benefit!
Non-coder law and other students and lawyers as well as expert hacker computer science students and programmers are most welcome!
Events information
Starting at 10am on Saturday March 30 at HKU's innovation and entrepreneurship hub iDendron (1/F Knowles Building, HKU), training will include:
• Introduction to Smart Contracts and Smart Legal Contracts
• Hands-on instruction with OpenLaw powered by Ethereum, including a demo for a gig economy employment offer agreement that lets you be paid in ETH by the hour
• Hands-on instruction with Accord Project using Hyperledger and no code smart legal contract builder ContractPen.
We then invite participants to work in teams to creatively hack to improve private sector legal service delivery and public benefit, and share their creations at the end of the day. For those teams who want to further develop their projects, iDendron is making their space open for interested teams on Sunday too.
Special prizes may be available for the most innovative projects!
All registrants will be forwarded pre-workshop reading and videos early next week. As an initial introduction on the development of computable contracts, see Stanford Law School's CodeX talk by Legalese's Meng Weng Wong on "Smart Legal Contracts and Legal Smart Contracts" (posted January 2018).
This Challenge is organised by LITE Lab@HKU in conjunction with host iDendron, ACMI and Legal Hackers Hong Kong, together with AIIFL, HKU Law & Technology Centre and HKU Department of Computer Science, and is part of the worldwide Computational Law and Blockchain Festival 2019.
This Challenge is a follow-up from the LegalRegTechHack in conjunction with Global Legal Hackathon Hong Kong 2019 that was organised by ACMI, in conjunction with LITE Lab@HKU and Cyberport, on February 22-24 that gave rise to the soft launch of LEXi - an incubator to assist lawtech and regtech projects and welcomes Expressions of Interest.