KONGERLOGUE will be held on 24th of February! This is a platform for young people to speak up and take action through different activities, including Youth Speak Forum, Story Cafe, and Action Space.
In our YouthSpeak Forum, we have invited a number of guests to discuss how young people can find their life goals and what the roles of young people in creating a better future of Hong Kong.
In Story Cafe, you could hear stories from a wide variety of guests on their why and how to find their own passion and achieve their life goals.
After getting inspirations and encouragement from our guests, you would have the opportunities to go into the society and take action to make Hong Kong a better place in our Action Space. Participants can choose among 4 Sustainable Development Goals including, Quality Education, Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities and Environmental Protection.
⚠ Early Bird Ticketing: bit.ly/KongerlogueEarlyBird
► Date:24 February (Sat)
► Time & Venue:11:00-18:30, Kowloon Tong