This is an introductory course that lets you have a taste of AI, Machine Learning and R Programming Language. You will get an invaluable experience to understand Machine Learning Models and their business applications. You will get immediate value out of it.
Machine learning is a subset of AI and Data Science. It is an algorithmic approach of data mining and predictive modeling that enables software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed. The essence is to ask your computer to self-learn massive data to look for hidden patterns. The Machine Learning approach of predictive data analysis is changing the traditional way how a company gets business insight from the company data.
What will be covered:
The following summarizes what you will be able to learn in just Three hours:
1. During the First Hour:
You will learn how to Use R to plot AAstock-Style of Candlestick Charts on daily HK/US Stock Prices, FX and Precious Metal Prices from YAHOO with analytic metrics such as Moving Average, Bollinger Band, RSI index, MACD index and more. (More Sample Charts below)
2. During the Next Two hours:
You will learn how to Make Stock Buy/Sell Decisions using a Machine Learning Model. You will also learn how to identify the dominant factor to make such a decision. The speaker will give an explanation to a Machine Learning Model by illustrating an optimization example with “Maximum Likelihood Estimation” technique.
The speaker will do a demonstration on a brand-new Cloud platform of R. Certainly this 3-hour course will give you a fresh view of learning “Machine Learning” by understanding and not by just mere program coding.
Who should attend*:
- Anyone looking to learn stock trading
- Anyone in the finance industry
- As always, anyone looking to enjoy a fascinating panel discussion
Expected Participants: Data analysts, programmers, executives, undergraduates, job starters and those who are interested in AI techniques, Financial Analysis and Stock Price Prediction.
Speaker: W.C. Chan
Mr. W. C. Chan has possessed rich experience and knowledge in ERP systems, data warehousing, data analytics, cloud technologies, and data science. Mr. Chan worked as an IT practitioner over a decade and he is now a professional trainer on Big Data Technology, Data Visualization, Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Cloud-based solutions. Moreover, Mr. Chan has obtained a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as three Master Degrees in Risk Management Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Quantitative Analysis for Business from the City University of Hong Kong and Industrial Logistics Systems from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
You would find this course unique in the market and programming with R is easy and simple. This is only the first step. Keep Learning from Xccelerate and you will become a proficient data analyst that would make your life a success.