Blockchain is a "buzzword" that everyone has been raving on about - but how many people actually understand its significance and use? Is this a blessing or a curse?
Come and meet the teams from WHub, HSBC and HKFYG. WHub will share about the Hong Kong startup ecosystem!
區塊鏈(Blockchain) 成為近年的潮語,只要配上它,就如有扭轉萬物一樣的威力,其實有多少人真正明白及認識它﹖究竟它是恩物還是野獸﹖我們應該如何面對?
1. 「轉數快」快速支付系統簡介及滙豐為初創企業提供的支援 (HSBC)
2. 區塊鏈對現今金融業的影響與發展 (科銀資本、Molecular Hub)
3. 全球初創生態及資源的概述 (WHub)
歡迎VC / Startup / 金融界人士參與。
6:30 – 7:00pm Networking & refreshment
7:00 – 7:45pm HKFYG Speaker on topic: 區塊鏈對現今金融業的影響與發展 (by 科銀資本、Molecular Hub)
7:45 – 8:15pm HSBC Sharing on FPS, Sprinter programme and Support to Startups (「轉數快」快速支付系統簡介及滙豐為初創企業提供的支援)
8:15 – 9:00pm Introduction on Whub and overviews on startup environment (全球初創生態及資源的概述)
9:00 – 9:15pm Q&A
9:15 – 9:30pm Networking