How do we accelerate Hong Kong’s sustainable development in the areas of Waste Management, Green and Intelligent Buildings (including energy efficiency), Climate Action Plan 2030+ and Pollution Monitoring?
In July 2018 the Environment and Energy Business Council (EEBC), an initiative by the European Chamber of Commerce (ECC) in Hong Kong, published a review, the EEBC Position Paper 2018, of the Smart Environment Section of the Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint. The EEBC Position Paper addresses the strategy and initiatives identified in the blueprint, which relate to Waste Management, Green and Intelligent Buildings (including energy efficiency), the Climate Action Plan 2030+ and Pollution Monitoring. It is an excellent summary of Hong Kong’s current situation, opportunities, and challenges.
The objectives of this event are:
a) to better understand the opportunities and challenges of Hong Kong related to Waste Management, Green and Intelligent Buildings (including energy efficiency), Climate Action Plan 2030+ and Pollution Monitoring, and
b) to find out how the Hong Kong innovation ecosystem may support positive development in these areas.
c) to hear from entrepreneurs who are already addressing sustainability issues in Hong Kong what they need to even be more successful.
Reading material: The EEBC Position Paper 2018
Start 7:00pm
- 20 min: Registration, Networking
- 10 min: Introduction (Sabine Reppert)
- 30 min Presentation (Tom Uiterwaal)
EEBC Position Paper 2018 - View and visions of the European Business Community on how to make Hong Kong a world-class sustainable Smart City with regards to Waste Management, Green and Intelligent Buildings (including energy efficiency), Climate Action Plan 2030+ and Pollution Monitoring. Q&A.
- 45 min Interactive Panel Discussion
What are the opportunities and challenges for start-ups, entrepreneurs and incumbent companies in Hong Kong in the area of Waste Management, Green and Intelligent Buildings (including energy efficiency), Climate Action Plan 2030+ and Pollution Monitoring? Where do we see already good examples in Hong Kong?
• Tom Uiterwaal (Reconergy (Hong Kong) Ltd and Chairman of the EECB)
• Philippe Li (HK Recycles Limited)
• Alessandro Bisagni (BEE - Bisgani Environmental Enterprise)
• Dr Jeanne C. Ng (Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited, HKIQEP)
• Sabine Reppert (Intent-X Limited)
- 15min Co-Creation Session (Sabine Reppert)
How can we jumpstart the sustainable development of Hong Kong? What outside-the-box approaches do we need?
- Wrap-up
Who should attend?
Business leaders and consultants involved in Smart City initiatives
Start-up’s, developers, tech-enthusiasts and consultants working in the areas of Waste Management, Green and Intelligent Buildings (including energy efficiency), Climate Action Plan 2030+ or Pollution Monitoring.
About the Speakers
Mr Tom Uiterwaal is the Founder and CEO of Reconergy (Hong Kong) Ltd., active in the Waste-to-Energy industry both in Asia and Europe. The focus of Reconergy is on turning Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Commercial Waste into biodiesel and green electricity. Tom has been active in the Waste-to-Energy industry in Asia since 2008. Tom is also Chairman of the Environmental & Energy Business Council of the European Chamber in Hong Kong.
Mrs Sabine Reppert is the founder and director of Intent-X Limited and is specialised in supporting business leaders succeed with digital business transformation more effectively.
Mr Philippe Li is Business Development Manager at HK RecyclesLimited. HK Recycles is a social enterprise that provides transparent and accountable recyclable collection service to both residential and commercial clients. Our data reporting provides feedbacks to our clients and most importantly allows them to visualise their positive environmental impact.
Alessandro Bisagni is the founder & managing director of BEE - Bisgani Environmental Enterprise. BEE is a sustainability engineering consulting, sourcing and technology company specialized in the creation of green and healthy buildings. It operates out of five regional offices and is working on over 200 projects across 25 countries.
Dr Jeanne C. Ng is the chair of Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP). Dr. Ng holds a BSc in Toxicology from the University of Toronto and a PhD in Environmental Management from the University of Hong Kong. She has extensive experience in the environmental industry and has held senior roles in international environmental / engineering consulting companies prior to joining CLP. She was involved in most of the early Hong Kong governmental air pollution and climate strategy and policy studies and is regarded as one of Hong Kong’s experts in air and greenhouse gas emissions inventories. Dr. Ng is also a frequent guest lecturer on environmental and sustainable development issues at various Hong Kong universities.
Dr. Ng is currently a Board member of a number of organisations including the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University, the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). She is also a Stakeholder Council Member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and is a member of the Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) Expert Panel. She is also a member of the Project Advisory Panel for Emerging Forms of External Reporting under the International Auditing & Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).