Obtaining your visa is essential to start your own company in Hong Kong as a foreign national. The application process may take some time, and it varies a lot according to your particular situation, so it is always good to have an expert to provide you with some useful advice. If you are planning to apply for an Investment Visa as an Entrepreneur, please don’t miss the coming seminar at Centre O!
At the event, you learn about all the requirements and processes of Investment Visa application, and how to maximize your chance to successfully obtain it.
The speaker, Mr. Stephen Barnes, is the Hong Kong Visa Geeza and founder of Hong Kong Visa Centre and will share his know-how and experience with you. With 25 years’ experience dealing with immigration matters in Hong Kong, he is the best advisor in Hong Kong!
Come and join us for this FREE seminar about getting your Hong Kong Visa! Stephen and the Centre O team are looking forward to meeting you :)
Date: Tuesday 14 August 2018
Time: 7pm to 8pm
Location: Centre O Co-working Space – 24/F, Suite 1&2, 135 Bonham Strand Trade Centre, Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan
Seat: Limited to 30 people