Kin KO is the Co-founder of LikeCoin, the social currency for user generated contents. Prior to LikeCoin, Kin cofounded Lakoo, a mobile game developer since 1999, backed by Tencent and Sequoia Capital.
Kin graduated from New Asia Colleague of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997, with major in Computer Engineering and minor in Sociology and General And Public Administration.
高重建是資深手機遊戲開發員,入行已經超過20年。由他創辦的拉闊遊戲 (Lakoo),開闢出帶粵語文化色彩的canto-game,其後得到 騰訊 及 Sequoia Capital 注資,擴展其遊戲國度。2009年,拉闊在國內推出手機網絡遊戲《帝國Online》,註冊用戶迅速超過五百萬,不但成為最受歡迎的手機網遊,更成為騰訊QQ平台上收入最高的手機客戶端遊戲。
Facebook 為全球最多用戶的社交媒體,其態度亦變得日漸霸道,用戶在Facebook 內發表文章,根本就是為Facebook免費提供內容,但用戶連一點一滴的收益也沒有。高重建為此創辦LikeCoin,用戶可在平台上發表文章,內容瀏覽量愈多代表增值愈高,從而轉為個人收入。
KO Kin is a veteran mobile game developer with more than 20 years in the business. Lakoo which he founded pioneered canto-game contents with Cantonese culture imbedded into the game. Tencent and Sequoia Capital later injected capital into the companywhich allowed for the expansion of its gaming development. In 2009, Lakoo launched the online game “Empire Online” in China with registered users rapidly exceeding 5 million. It has not only become the most popular mobile online game, but the highest paid mobile game on Tencent QQ platform.
Facebook has the world largest user-base in social media, the dominance has become increasingly overbearing, the users are providing contents for the platform without ever receiving any money from Facebook. Due to this very reason, KO Kin founded LikeCoin,users can generate income by publishing articles on the platform, the more the content are views, the more they get paid.
日期:2017年11月27 (一)
地點:新蒲崗 五芳街12號 利景大廈4A室PlayGround
Date:Nov 27, 2017 (Mon)
Time:7:00pm – 9:30pm
Venue:Playground, Unit 4A Lee King Building, 12 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
Q&A: English, Cantonese, Mandarin